#Ron Along travels to Southern #Arizona I stopped in Tucson for a restroom break. Upon entering a fast food spot I met Ron. He was not allowed to make purchase of coffee and had just been told to leave the property. The suitcase he was pulling was somehow against store policy. I assured him he had as much right to a warm beverage as any. We put his suitcase in my car and proceeded back into the building. Although, he was sure the manager was certain now to ask us both to make exit, we made entry. Admittedly, the fellow on duty that minutes before had refused Ron service indeed looked uncomfortable. I placed a lunch order for two and we found a seat. As he had not eaten in two days this elderly man was more than thankful for a meal. As we ate, I intently listened to Ron share a story of a fellow that had once worked proudly on a #Ford assembly line in #Detroit.You know the rest of the story... #ihaveaname THE I HAVE A NAME PROJECT www.ihaveaname.org www.facebook.com/THEIHAVEANAMEPROJECT www.instagram.com/theihaveanameproject